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VSAT FASTSAT 250 Marine VSAT+ TV SAT 1 meter Autopointing - BB100-Alltech

Per uso:

Prezzo: 45.930,55 EUR +IVA

The BB100 AllTech is the last updated product of Radiotech & Marine Technologies Antennae generation.

This is the first antenna in the world that can simultaniesly operate L, Ku and Ka Band plus TVRO capability.

This is the first antenna in the world to include 4 antennas into one. It can work in Ku-Band, Ka-Band, L-Band and TV modes at the same time. It is therefore an ideal solution for space-constrained installations.

Based on the field-proven technology of the FASTSAT 250 MKII, the parabolic dish and the feed have been redesigned using state-of-the-art computer simulation software used in aero-space missions.

The lightweight construction gives exceptional tracking agility, reduced stress on belts and motors for maximum operational life and minimum maintenance.

Carbon-fiber construction is immune to salt, oxidization, thermal excursions and humidity.

This is the first antenna in the world to include all electronics into the radome, without any additional parts inside the boat.

It is also the first antenna in the world that can be managed by a very simple web interface, from any PC, iPhone, iPad, or any

Android or Windows Phone tablet, from anywhere in the boat or in the world remotely just like being onboard.

This unique antenna can be used as a VSAT and TvSat on any kind of satellite, in any configuration, anywhere in the world without reconfiguration or HW changes by a technician.

This is the first antenna in the world that can operate now, without any configuration limitation, at the same time on the well-known Ku VSAT band with any satellite operator and technology, and in L-band with existing Inmarsat terminals. It is also ready for the new transition to Ka-band that will supersede Ku-band for broadband services, and is capable to work with future Inmarsat Global Xpress terminals.

This antenna is certified in class G and M without limitations and above all is one of the only 3 antennas in the world to be certified in Brasil by Anatel, where it is known how difficult it is to be compliant with the high demanding requirements.


Cosa include la confezione:
VSAT FASTSAT 250 Marine VSAT+ TV SAT 1 meter Autopointing
Prezzo: 45.930,55 EUR +IVA
EUR 55116.66 (IVA inclusa)
(USD 50000.00)

* E' BENE CHIEDERE UN PREVENTIVO quando dovete abbinare prodotti particolari come un antenna ed il cavo, noi vi possiamo suggerire il cavo corretto per connettere il vostro telefono o la dock all'antenna scelta o aiutarvi a scegliere il prodotto migliore per le vostre esigenze.

  • The BB100 is the last updated product of Radiotech & Marine Technologies Antenna generation.
  • This is the first antenna in the world to include 4 antennas into one. It can work in Ku-Band, Ka-Band, L-Band and TV modes at the same time. It is therefore an ideal solution for space-constrained installations.
  • Full carbon-fiber construction means light-weight (60 kg), long operational life, reduced maintenance.
  • Designed using deep-space probes technology, it has exceptional RF performance and tracking capabilities.
  • Conforming to Intelsat type-G, Eutelsat type-M and ANATEL standards.
  • This is the only antenna in the world that merges 4 antennas into one.
  • All is done without a complicated control box, but automatically or via remote web interface.
  • This is the first antenna in the world that can operate at the same time on Ku VSAT band, L-band with existing In-marsat terminals and in the new Ka-band, ready for the upcoming Inmarsat Global Xpress.
Caratteristiche tecniche:
  • Reflector: 100cm ADE carbon fiber
  • Ku?Band: TX: 13.75?14.50 GHz / RX: 11.0?12.5 GHz / H/V co?polar and cross?pol
  • Ka?Band: TX: 29.5?30.0 GHz / RX: 19.7?20.2 GHz / Linear and circular polarization
  • L?Band: TX: 1620?1680 MHz / RX: 11.0?12.5 GHz /H/V co?polar and cross?pol
  • All Inmarsat technology compatible
  • VSAT+TV Mode of operation (Ku band only)
  • Double PLL quad?band LNB compliant (DiSEqC protocol) for VSAT
  • Double DRO LNB for TV (DiSEqC compliant)
  • Wide/Narrow band and DVBS2 Tuner
  • Radome diameter: 125 cm
  • Antenna weight: 60Kg (with 10W BUC)
  • Operating temperature: ?10°C/+60°C
  • Antenna power: 24Vcc – 10A or 110?230Vac (ext power supply)
  • Tracking accuracy: <0.3° with external gyro connected / <0.5° without external gyro
  • Pedestal type: 2 axis level plus dynamic roll over skew
  • Mechanics: 90% carbon fiber / 10% aluminium
Ships motion:
  • roll +/? 20°
  • pitch +/? 20°
  • yaw +/? 20°/sec
  • unlimited azimuth movement through rotary joint
GPS: all in view 12 channels internal
Internal 3?axis gyro sensor: 9 sensors with Kalman filter
Tracking possibilities: geostationary satellites / inclined orbit satellites
Controller software:
  • OpenAMIP compliant
  • HTTP/HTTPS access to the antenna interface Remote software update
  • Connection to iDirect modem through OpenAMIP or serial cable
  • Ethernet Gyrocompass HDT input
  • External Ethernet Rain sensor
  • Double antenna SwitchBox via Cisco Balancer (optional)
Modem capability:
  • iDirect X5 (default)
  • Hughes (optional)
  • Gilat Technology (optional)
More Features:
  • Auto satellite link budget calculation capability and automatic beam switch
  • TV Capabilities: DiSEqC compliant interface with major Set?top boxes for satellite selection
  • Unlimited number of satellite configurations
Conforming to Intelsat type?G, Eutelsat type?M and ANATEL standards.
Produttore: GEOBORDERS Sito Web del Produttore:



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